Pink Bits by Mitch Gobel

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ARTIST NOTES: Until recently, i never really agreed with the saying 'art is self expression'. For me my work was always purely just about what i thought was interesting and visually pleasing. To some extent i still believe that (relating to my own work, each to their own). But i now see my artwork as a voice, an expression, for me it's through the title. 'Pink Bits' i know, will be a controversial title for any artwork. But if your own artwork has to be refined then what's the point in dong it (within reason). I'm not a rude or loud person but i pride myself on being free willed, with the exception of my employment. If i ever get to the stage where my art can't be, MY art, MY decision and and expression of my self, then ill stop doing it. I've chosen this tittle to represent that.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 120.00 cm X Width - 180.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Mixed Media on Other
GENRE Abstract
REGISTERED NRN # 000-2960-0159-01
COPYRIGHT © Mitch Gobel


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Artist: Mitch Gobel


Mitch Gobel 


Mitch Gobel is a young self-taught artist engaged with wildlife and the environment. Living on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Mitch uses resin and a range of different mediums to produce a completely unique effect.


A proud supporter of the Australian Zoo Wildlife Warriors program, Mitch’s distinctive technique is a voice for his true passions. In early February, 2015, Mitch and the MGRA team travelled to Australia Zoo in Queensland to make a $25,000 donation to the zoo’s not-for-profit charity, The Wildlife Warriors.


Mitch’s resin art represents his personal journey and ability to see challenges as opportunities rather than burdens. Each of his works take nearly two weeks to complete and his technique has been refined over many years to produce an extraordinary result.





Instagram: @mitchgobel_resinart